Why? A log-periodic with fully parallel booms technically violates part of the concept.
In theory, every parameter should be expanding from front to back. Some are impractical to achieve, and
so are often ignored. The inter-boom angle ψ, however, is easy to manage. So let's play with that in search of
maybe a little more gain.
In addition, there is something further I want to know. In more than one antenna book I have found
mention of bi-directional log periodics obtained by directly opposing the booms (ψ = 180°). So while we
are playing around with ψ, let's go all the way, finding out how well that works.
All charts are thumbnails. Click on any to view it larger.
* Leading Half-Angle. Ref. Definition
Dual SWRs? In the 5th chart below you'll see two separate traces for SWR: one for 200Ωz,
another for 300Ωz. That is because one expected Zin provides the lowest average SWR, while
with the other you obtain the nearest approach to 1:1
. I thought both worth knowing, so authored my
Perl script for making pretty SVGs from Nec2Go sweeps so that charts would present in this way, and do so
Ref. Nec2Go Utilities
ψ = 0° (parallel) Zin near 300 Ω
ψ = 30° Zin near 300 Ω
ψ = 60° Zin near 300 Ω
ψ = 90° Zin near 300 Ω
ψ = 120° Zin between 200 and 300 Ω
ψ = 180° Zin varying greatly Ω
Conclusions: At ψ = 30° dBi is a wee bit more than ither 30° or 60°. Charts below will search
for the sweet spot more narrowly.
With fully opposing booms (ψ = 180°) SWR shows something of an issue. One which gets worse as frequency
increases. But this may be due to the model, whose elements start at 46MHz. My thought now is this. A more proper
arrangment for opposing booms, would be if saw teeth did not stop at 46MHz, but continued all the way up. Thus
to obtain a geometry where each boom's apex for the angle α should coincide. Or, as a possible compromise, we could
possibly meeth the concepet part-way. Simply spread the two booms further apart. Achieve this by extending the
feed wire between them, enough so that for the apex for each α would still coincide. That would be a very different,
antenna, however, not comparable to the one here. An modeling experiment for later, perhaps?
Boom ψ = 0° (parallel) 8.34 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 10° 8.81 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 20° 9.21 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 30° 9.48 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 40° 9.49 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 50° 9.4 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 60° 9.29 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 70° 9.14 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 80° 8.91 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 90° (right angle) 8.59 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 100° 8.17 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 120° 6.94 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 140° 5.2 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 160° 4.42 dBi Azimuth Gain
Boom ψ = 180° (opposing) 4.37 dBi Azimuth Gain
Conclusions: At ψ = 49° this LPSA exhibits a 1.15 dBi increase of gain versus parallel booms.
With booms opposing, the pattern is indeed bi-directional, but not symmetrically so. As with the unwelcome
surprise when it came to SWR, this unwelcome assymetry may be the result of the two booms failing to share a common
apex with regard to the angle α.